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 Data Types           General Description
 Type Declarations    An example of the Type Declaration Part
 Compatibility        Type and Assignment Compatibility
 Array                A fixed number of components of one type
 Boolean              Logical True and False values
 Char                 Single ASCII value, string constant of length one
 Enumerated           Ordered sets of values beginning with zero
 File                 Linear sequence of components of one type
 Integer              One of the 5 subsets of whole numbers
 Objects              Fixed number of components of either data or methods
 Ordinal              All simple types other than Real
 Pointer              Value that points to a dynamic variable
 Real                 Types Real, Single, Double, Extended and Comp
 Record               Set number of components or fields of different types
 Set                  Set number of components of a particular ordinal type
 String               A sequence of characters with a dynamic length
 Subrange             Ranged of values from and ordinal type

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson